Saturday, March 02, 2002

why would you want to cut out your sexual desire you ask? it is the cause of many problems in human society. molestation would cease. raping would cease (although i hear raping is not usually about sexual desire but aggression and anger but you still need to have an erection and some sexual stimulation). a lot of aggression and jealousy is a direct result of sexual desire and that would cease. people being objectified as sexual objects would cease. people might begin to respect each other for better reasons than just being "hot". sexual desire is the most primitive thing that we have. it is why we are all alive today. but primitive ways are not fit for a modern world were peace and harmony are valued. think of all the angst you grow up with once you become a teenager and your sexual desires start. when you were a child most of you were a lot more care-free. think of the longing, the deep desire, the staring, the wishing, the hopelessness. all that would be gone. you would still love but it would be like that of a brother or a mother. it would not be the phoney passionate type that fades as soon as you get to know someone better. just ask yourself why passionate love is strongest when you know the person least. you see the person across a crowded room and the staring and the longing starts. when you live with them for years and know everything about them the intensity is gone. the intensity was hormonal. you didn't "love" that person. your hormones were telling you to mate. we ignore and deny our animal heritage all the time so then why not take the logical leap of removing the most animal trait about us, the desire to mate?