Friday, March 08, 2002

why is our technology today so much more advanced than our ancestors? because as isaac newton said, "If I have seen further it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." all of our advancements our based on the earlier advancements of those that came before us. that is why things have progressed and not just suddenly appeared straight out of the stone age. this is all obvious so what is the point you ask?

this might not be you but i have seen this happen to people and find it disturbing. some parents get it in their head that their children should start from scratch like they did and make their own living and their own life for themselves. the parent might not have even struggled as much as they think they did but they want their child to make it on his/her own anyway. but what is the fatal error they are making? they are basically condemning their child to a life of regression. the child, or rather the young adult, is not building on a foundation higher than those that came before him. instead, an empty plot of land is set aside and the child, who has not been adequately prepared, is expected to start building his life and his own foundation. since he was not prepared for this in the same way the parent was, he has no idea what to do and thus regresses. your parents should give to you a pre-built foundation on which to start building. how can we progress when people are starting from scratch all the time? it is even worse than that because they are starting from scratch with no knowledge of how to get out of scratch.

even the parents that don't actively throw their child out at eight-teen to live on their own need to think about this too. what did you do or what are you going to do to make sure your child has an adequate foundation on to which he can start building his life? doing nothing is as bad as throwing them out. when they do go and try and build their life how can they achieve at a higher level if they are staring on the same level you did. we should be progressing as a people. staying the same is not acceptable and it does not work.