Wednesday, March 06, 2002

i, like a lot of people, was brought up under the assumption that humans are great and pure and only the deviant few stray from that. people are good at heart i was told. and something i grew up assuming was that our cousins the apes were even more pure because they didn't have that human concept of evil that made men go astray. i was heartily disillusioned the day i saw that apes are as bad as humans. i was watching a documentary on chimpanzees and it seems that female chimps mate with a lot of different males so that when the baby is born the males are unsure as to who the father is. now guess what happened when the male apes of a particular group suspected a female ape of their same group, who hung out near the borders of their territory, had mated and had the baby of a neighboring group's male? here is the part that reminds me of human evil. the male apes chased down the female chimp and took her baby and ripped it apart and ate it. but wait there's more. on the same documentary it showed a small group of apes hunting down an ape from a neighboring tribe and then beating it to death. and this was pitiful as it just went on and on. there is no "merciful" quick-kill when all you have to kill by is beating to death.

so you see, our ancestral origins drives us to kill and hate those that are not apart of our tribe. that people are racist, jingoist, sexist, murderous, and hateful is by no means odd. what is strange is how some people got the notion NOT to be these things. what is wrong with you that you have an open mind and an open heart you should ask. you are the minority in this savage world. and you will stay the minority because you will be killed off by the cruel and hateful. who has the weapons and the desire to use them? the peaceful? if not by steel weapons then the weapon of hate will eradicate you. you will not fit in and thus not breed or teach or in any way pass on your peaceful and goodly ways which will die with you. you can't even group up in unity because it will only make you a bigger target. that is, if you can even maintain your peaceful ways as many will be turned into the vampires that bit them.

yes that is a happy ending. for the majority of you anyway.