Friday, March 01, 2002

for some information on what the lack of sexual desire can do here is something i heard on the radio. a little while ago i heard an interview with a guy who only recently had a tumor that had been affecting his brain since pre-puberty removed. the tumor made his body pump out high levels of a female hormone. his male hormones were thus suppressed. he didn't get a lot of hair and he could not develop muscularly in the way that the other boys around him were even though he also trained with weights. he treated women with a lot of respect and was well liked by them. he hated how the males around him treated women as sexual objects. he could not get an erection by the way but he dated a little. and guess what he did as soon as the tumor was removed and his male hormones and sexual desire kicked in? he treated women like sexual objects and tried out his new found friend whenever he could. time past and he eventually married but says he owes a lot to his time as a non-male. he says he can appreciate the relationship with his wife a lot more. has also said he now has the urge to look at other women when he's out with his wife, something that he could not understand why men did.