Monday, March 25, 2002

not that long ago i stopped watching tv altogether for a time. i even took the tv out of my bedroom which is where i watched it all the time. lack of tv made me think more and that leads to thinking about how wrong everyone and everything is. that then leads to a less than happy state. i started watching tv again not long after i stopped but i am more selective in what i watch now. the tv is still no longer in my bedroom and will stay that way.

tv is the opiate of the masses. there is no doubt about it. without it, i was faced with thinking about all the ills of the world and my surroundings and with it i am swept away into a world of dreams and magic. i can tell i am not watching enough though. my increased selectivity and non-bedroom tv is having its toll. it's like coming out of a coma but you find out your coma life which was full of dreams was a lot better. you might even want to go back but you can't so you jump out a window or something.

i wish others would stop watching though and then they wouldn't feel so placated and maybe they'd try and improve things. its that same old thing that the romans had with the games and the colosseum. they needed to placate the masses while the elite got away with whatever they wanted. i don't think there is a grand conspiracy with tv though. it just happened to work out that way.