Tuesday, March 12, 2002

to the question "Are you unhappy?" i answer:

i would have to guess that you ask that because my topics and writings seem non-happy. or else you randomly question people about their emotional state. maybe you want to base my credibility on my state of happiness i.e. if i am unhappy then i write with a negative spin so i can't be trusted in what i write.

well, i would call myself "aware". i seem to be more aware of the things around me than the average joe. and anything that makes one different causes a separation from the group. then the difference and the separation work off of each other and you become more different and more separated. humans are naturally social animals so separation does not sit well with them. so one that is separated is by definition not well off and won't be satisfied. we as humans need to feel connected. so if i feel separated than i suppose i can not be "happy".

does this mean i write with a negative slant? i write about non-happy things because they upset me and i want to tell others about what they are not seeing. call it a critique of humans or call it a lesson plan. why nothing positive though? they are not all negative as some are neutral and informative. but there are not many "happy" things to write about humans until they work out the horrible things they do. how many people write anything positive about a child molester once it is found out that the person molests children. humans are engaged in such negative behavior that it would be offensive to write positive things about them until they stop doing these things. either that or be honest about what we are as a species and accept that we like to kill, hurt, and lie, and all the other nice things we do naturally. then murderers and the others can be celebrated for being the quintessential humans that they are.

people can really only be happy today if they delude themselves. if we thought about all the suffering and lying and stealing and killing and destruction around us how could we be happy? we ignore it and delude ourselves with the notion that we live in a separate little world from everyone else. i don't have a circle of people and a support structure to bring this little fantasy to life. the ones that claim happiness have this.