Monday, May 27, 2002

come in. take a seat. i have something to say to you. no no sit down this won't take long. now i know you think i've been a bit hard on you lately. well okay a "lot" hard on you. but you have to realize that it is because i care about you. you are special and you mean a lot to me. look i know we have had our rough times together but i have realized something. i realized that you and me... we're inseparable. we belong together. it just wouldn't work for each of us to go our own separate ways. and those rough spots even show that things get better eventually. they are jagged with not only their low valleys but also with their high peaks. we just need to smooth it out a little so that our lows aren't so low. our highs won't be as high but that will be less of a peak to fall from. so look, we can do this... you and me. come on, we can at least give it a try. you think about it and i think you'll see where i'm coming from. okay you can leave now but remember that i care about you and i want you to think about this. lets do this. lets be for each other what we couldn't be before. and lets be friends.