Wednesday, May 15, 2002

so on this blind date show, this 35 year old pharmaceutical salesman is set up on a multi-day date aboard a cruise ship with a 23 year old Penthouse model. he does not know what her occupation is when they meet but he thinks she is very beautiful. she says she is a model and leaves it at that. one of their first activities is him taking photos of her while she poses. they talk to one another and they get along fine. day two comes around and they go bikini shopping for her because she needs a bathing suit. she models some of the bikinis for him and at one point comes out naked and jokingly says that she could go to the beach like this. at the beach she asks him if he minds if she can lay out topless. he didn't mind. while they were laying out she hands him a Penthouse magazine with her picture on the cover. he is a little taken-a-back to learn she is a Penthouse model. he says that he meant what he said earlier about her being a sweet girl and he said he meant it from the bottom of his heart. he told her that he was happy to get to know her as a person first. he then takes photos of her in her bikini bottom as she sensually poses on the rocks at the beach. in a separate interview he said he would have sex with her if it came up and that he couldn't wait to tell his friends back home about his date. on their last night while they waited to be seated at dinner they have a conversation about orgasms. while at their dinner table she asks him if he would go to the bathroom with her to engage in some activity. she told him to come into the ladies room but he wouldn't go so she took him into the men's room and closed the door and what happens next is left to the imagination of the viewer.