Thursday, May 02, 2002

guide to meeting girls on the internet:
[this is for male humans only. females and non-humans can read but for entertainment purposes only.]

ask them about themselves. get them to open up to you by asking personal questions about their lives and their interests. be interested and sincere and follow up on things that interest you and that you have in common. once opened up, get them to talk about their thoughts on love and relationships. they will already feel a bond with you from the earlier questioning. what talking about love and relationships will do is get them thinking about love and a relationship with you. the time span on this depends. i have seen it done in an afternoon all the way to a few weeks and all the way to a few months. you have to feel it out.

this technique will work and has been tested many times. not all of them followed through on but the signs were there. yes it is formulaic but realize that we are simple creatures when you really break it down. also, i hope this helps show how love is not magical and belongs in the realm of fairy tales only. it can be called up on demand... i guarantee it.

when i was learning all this stuff i did it with pure intentions. i really did think love was real and something i needed. my style of conversation just happened to be the right style for creating "love". it even fooled me before i realized what was happening. i then got infected by the love virus and when it went sour i had to find it again and again hence the multiple tests and proof that it works. it took years to get over that whole fiasco. was it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? no. i wish i knew more about what i was getting myself into. it was like starting crack cocaine. it makes you addicted. find a friend and be happy is my advice to you.