Tuesday, May 14, 2002

a lot of people live their lives out as cliches or stereotypes. if you label yourself then this applies to you. for instance, if you say you are a [insert ethnic group, religious group, or geographical region here] then you are most likely living out a stereotype. you say, do, and think things that are typical of your group. you may think you have some individuality but choosing butter instead of cream cheese on your bagel is not good enough. the whole deal of being part of a group like that is sharing ideas, languages, clothing, secret hand shakes, etc. you want to be a stereotype. you want to be like everyone else and wear the same jackets and use the same hip lingo.

a better world consists of individuals. you and your groups have shed more blood in the name of your group than anything else. you are the ones mass murdering and also the ones being mass murdered. you are intolerant of those not in your group. you say you are proud to be a [insert ethnic group, religious group, or geographical region here] or that you are patriotic. you might as well be waving a confederate flag and wearing an all white robe with pointed hat. you are exclusionary and intolerant and prefer your own kind. try thinking for yourself and developing ideas based on fact and reasoning instead of tradition and group think.

yes this grouping up is a human legacy. power rests in groups and those that did not group were annihilated by those that did thus evolution makes us group up. but this is outdated. we are expected to get along and cooperate. we cannot if we are so factionalized.