Monday, May 20, 2002

this is to you, oh depressed human.

SMACK!! now smarten up stupid!! tough love? think of it more as beat-your-ass-bloody love. damn if i haven't sat around all depressed at times or had very depressing periods in my life. and damn me for doing so. i know better but i still get lost in it at times. but you know what? it's nonsense. it's stupidity.

what bit of difference does it make to sit around all pitifully sad in a pool of my own sorrow or to sit around in an okay mood doing something i enjoy? IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. i could go ahead and mope all my life away but why on earth choose the pitifully sad option when i could just as easily choose the mellow and the almost, if not happy, option? it IS that easy to not be sad and depressed. it has been done before and you can do it too.

god damn if you people are not the easiest things in the world to train and manipulate. you can now use those qualities to your advantage!! yes that's right... for just 4 easy payments of 19.95 you too can learn to manipulate yourself [batteries not included. CA, NY, AZ residents please include applicable sales tax].

do you know, once when i was younger i was on a farm up in the country of canada and i received some rope burns on my hands when i was holding the rope of a cow that i had to keep still for some reason. my hands hurt a lot. at least a half an hour went by and they still hurt really bad. i then said to myself that i am sick of sitting here in pain and i told it to stop and it did. i believed it and it went away. a similar story a few years later... i was very sick which is unusual for me. i was in bed all tired and drained. the sickness was just going on and on. and you know what? i got fed up with it. i said damn you to hell you will control me no longer. and i got out of bed and fought my fatigue until it finally left and i felt better after that. you are THAT easy to manipulate. pain is just a signal that something is wrong. once that signal is received you can turn it off if you'd like. initial pain can't be avoided and shouldn't be because it is a warning. but prolonged and constant pain is a mental thing. it can be turned off.

here is your proof. my simple little stories for one. another are those martial artists or monks that sit in icy water for hours to prove themselves. sure it hurt when they got in but they turned it off after that. there are many other similar acts that people do to prove themselves by engaging in things that cause a prolonged and constant pain but they manipulate themselves into not feeling it anymore. a lot of people suffer from back pain but what they don't realize is that for most of them their pain is really caused by mental stress. they just don't get the connection that their pain coincides with periods of mental duress. those type of people have been "cured" by just realizing that mental stress was the cause of their back pain and not some physical defect in their back. long term pain is mental.

you humans are so easy to manipulate so why not use that to your advantage now? decide that it is stupid to be depressed when you could instead be just as easily mellow. tell yourself that you will die no matter what route you travel but why choose the crappy route when you could have chosen the scenic one? why put yourself through it? become more accepting of what is around you. stop being so picky. change your perspective of what life is supposed to be about and how life works to a more realistic one. change your attitude. mellow the f' out. start to meditate.

and when a depressing thought pops into your head just tell it to go away. it is THAT easy. i have done it and it works. that stupid inner dialog of yours is what is causing all this trouble. it is telling you to be sad. shut it up and you will not be sad. i guarantee this. and above all, remain constantly vigilant. depressing thoughts creep in all the time. it is up to you to play goalie and block them at the door. meditation helps you to practice this.

and get a hobby that you enjoy and that gives you a feeling of accomplishment and that does not leave you feeling stressed out. you should notice that the most depressed people are the ones with most idle time on their hands.

realize that you are a little clump of cells living on a big rock that is hurtling through space around a gigantic fireball. you are nothing and your problems are even less than that. why not be a nothing that is not depressed? it is that easy and it is up to you.