Monday, May 13, 2002

in your life and your dealings with people remember that everyday is what is most important. you shouldn't be living from weekend to weekend or vacation to vacation. everyday should be a day you enjoy and not one that you just survive through in order to make it to the weekend. why put up with just surviving?

you little hairless monkey! you were given the ability to alter your surroundings and what do you do? you let that ability stay dormant and do nothing to facilitate a wondrous and fantastic life for yourself and others. you might as well re-grow all your body hair and return to the jungle from whence you came.

do you really think that everyone just loves the crappy life they are leading? lead the way and they will follow. oh sure there will be the ones with something to lose who will try to stop you. they lead lives full of delusion and gain wealth through the exploitation of others. they will try and keep their wealth and their slaves. but you were given the ability to overcome great odds and you can if you want to.

rise up oh hairless apes!! educate your brother and lend him your hand. throw off your slave masters and create for yourselves a life as you were meant to live and free from the bonds of oppression.

and in conclusion, make everyday a pleasant and enjoyable one. it is within your ability.