Sunday, May 26, 2002

this one's for the little people.

justice. you mutha f'ers wouldn't know it if it was the central theme of a mel gibson movie. sure it's some made-up fairy tale but stranger things have been dreamed-up by the mind of man and come to life. your blood soaked flesh searing at the touch of the flaming sword that unstrings you, the scales of justice crashing upon your deceitful skull filled with the rotting mass of putrefying gray matter, your dark heart torn out of your chest with a single grab... what is so fanciful about that? to dream it, is to plant the seed and you water that seed with every transgression you enact against the innocent. and sprout it will, until you are engulfed by the roots and your acts of injustice are suffocated with your last breath.

ahem. now that i have that out. you should realize that as humans we love to punish. it is innate in us and we love to dole it out. we like to hurt the bad for doing wrong to the good. the dilemma in that though, is who is to say who is "good" and who is "bad" and what "wrong" even is. and god forbid we wrongly punish the innocent. should we then not be struck down by the hand of justice ourselves?

does a trial, run by those with their own agendas, justify the conviction of the innocent? who is to make sure the trial is fair? an appeals court? should the trial be on trial? and should that trial be on trial? by the time the trials end, the innocent one died in a lonely prison cell of old age. the legal system is a mockery of what we are taught justice is. yeah and let's throw people in a locked pit and have them fight it out for years and then let them loose on the crowd. yeah prison works. isn't that a sign that we are just too big, that all our public policies are thoroughly inept and unmanageable? when you have something so unwieldy what do you do to tackle it? you break it down into bite-sized chunks and handle those.

i'm ashamed of you humans right now. i think you should go sit over there and think about what you've done. do you hear me? NOW mister.