Thursday, May 30, 2002

school shooters are just regular kids pushed to the limit. take any animal and threateningly back it into a corner and it will attack. we all have that potential. given the same set of circumstances we all act pretty much the same. give an immature, frightened, and hateful person a gun and you can bet that the trigger will get pulled eventually.

as humans, we are born to kill but this doesn't mean we have to. unfortunately for those that want to live "killing-free", our society still fosters a high tension atmosphere that breeds killers. you can't look at the killers and think "look at those bad people, i'd never do anything like that. they are abnormal because they kill. what went wrong with them?". it was your society that failed. you are the problem, not the killer. what did you, the educated member of this society, do to foster a non-killing atmosphere in your society. also, you may have done the same thing given the exact same circumstances. humans are born to be human, which means they will kill like any animal when pushed to it. it is up to society to train humans to behave how they want them to behave. if you want humans not to kill then you have to train them and it is societies fault when people go untrained. society is creating volatile situations by not adequately training people as well as fostering a hostile atmosphere that makes even semi-trained people revert back to their animal instincts.