Saturday, May 11, 2002

were you ever in awe of the american indians of yester-year and the revere they had for the land and the animals? they thought of natural resources as treasures not to be exploited but to be used with care. wanna know why they came to that conclusion? because their ancestors wiped out most of the animals that used to be in north america. this continent used to be teeming with large animals which are only found in other parts of the world now. the fossil evidence supports this. and not coincidentally, this mass extinction of animals from this continent occurred exactly when humans began to settle in this continent. so is it any wonder that people made so populous with plentiful sources food became conservationists when they finally killed off their main source of food?

any species left unchecked will eat and multiply until it wipes out its own food supply. that is what happens to deer now and why hunters justify themselves by saying that they are thinning the herd so that the deer do not starve to death. the deer used to have natural predators to thin them out. we humans have nothing to check us from multiplying beyond a reasonable level. disease has been the only thing that has come close to thinning us out but even it cannot keep us at reasonable levels. it is even for our own good because conditions will only get worse. we are suffering because we are so crowded. imagine an end to the starving children around the world and the deplorable conditions that they live in if only the population levels would drop to an acceptable level. there would be greener pastures for all.

it has been a mistake to apply our medicines so recklessly. we have created a living dead. many modern old people are near mindless drones living from dosage to dosage. many people barely living are kept alive for sentimental reasons. many small third world villages contain half dead and starving people kept alive by small rations of donated food but have nothing to make them prosper and be truly alive. we are saving people all over the world from death only to put them into purgatory. a place where they are not dead but neither are they really alive. in our quest to always preserve life we have done more to harm it than to preserve it.

death is as part of life as being born is. accept this and cherish it and don't run away from it. you cannot stop it and the more you try, the more you mutate life and make it a horrible thing.