Friday, May 17, 2002

the previous generations of people are no better than the current ones. there is no "greatest generation". throughout history people have longed for the golden age that occurred during some previous generation. it never existed. people are just filtering out the bad things and remembering only the good.

the easiest argument against a "greatest generation" is that shouldn't they have produced the greatest children if they were so great? why do their child not carry on their greatness? why did the greatness die off? not being able to maintain your greatness does not sound so great to me. shouldn't the next generation be even greater than them since they have such a great foundation to build upon?

and as far as the WWII generation being so great and growing up during such a wonderful time lets review. the nuclear bomb which has the potential to destroy the world several times over was invented then. and how about the fact that there were major world wars at the time? how great is that? its sad, not great. how about the "saddest generation"? how about the internment of all the japanese that lived in the united states at the time? i don't recall hearing about any german or italian internment camps. how about the general racism towards all the american peoples of color? sounds like the "racist generation" not the greatest. and as far as them doing anything special, anyone can follow orders and pull a trigger. any generation could have done the killing that they did. it didn't take anything special or great.