Saturday, May 18, 2002

if you stepped in dog poo with your bare feet would you
a)take a piece of paper and give it three wipes and be satisfied?
b)use some water and rinse it off?

if you chose "a" then eww. if you more sensibly chose "b" then why do you chose "a" when it comes to cleaning off your own fecal matter? don't you find it a bit disgusting to wipe off your waste with dry paper and leave it at that? i guarantee that if anything was there that more will come off once you add water. using a couple moistened tissues at the very least is a more sensible idea than dry paper in removing fecal matter. even better would be a small jet of water aimed at the area until clean. with all our modern technology and indoor plumbing why do we still wipe ourselves with dry pieces of paper? i've heard of more primitive peoples using water to clean themselves off. why are we so backwards?

in the modern parts of japan they use a jet of water. where is our nice simple clean jet of water? due to this deficiency, i have taken matters of the fecal kind into my own hands and purchased a small tube at the Home Depot and a small angled pvc piece that i connect it to. i then take this portable device with me into the toilet room when needed. i applied a rubbery glue around the opening of the pvc piece where it connects to the faucet to create a semi-watertight seal and i slip it right on the faucet. i've been using this method of hygiene for a while now and it is far superior to wet or dry tissues. some companies sell an add-on toilet seat that has a water jet built in and even a heated seat. they are expensive though. a do-it-yourself project is the most cost effective way at this point until they become more mainstream.