Wednesday, May 29, 2002

umm here is one from the ancient files of MyHardDrivia... because i need to go to bed now. oh umm wait, no it's because it is a special piece just for you... yeah that's it...

written way back on 8/2/96... just a slice of life... and remember this was written almost 6 years ago...

All know what it's all about? Why people should think twice about "fooling around" with other people that they don't intend on spending most of their lives with? Its all about being faithful and loyal to your eventual love mate (husband, wife, etc.) Faithful to someone you don't even know exists you say? Well I think most people have the idea that they will eventually get into a permanent relationship with another person. So in a sense, it's a given that you'll eventually end up in a long term relationship. This then, means that since you will eventually end up with that person who is to become your love mate, that you are basically linked with them early on even before you meet because the union will eventually happen. There is another part to it too. It deals with the golden rule of "nothing is for free". So what if you do decide to continually "fool around" with other people? First off, the obvious, is diseases which are things that never leave your system but are in kept in there pretty much for life. These are mono, genital herpes, aids, etc. Not only will the symptoms get you but the mental strain you get from the thought of having them and what you did to yourself. And even if you scrape by and don't get a disease there is another aspect. And that deals with keeping things fresh and special for the one person you do eventually end up with. Will it hamper the bond that is to made? Don't unique experiences with someone bring about a special bond? Even making out with someone has its toll. I have heard interviews with hookers and porn stars who don't kiss during their work because they consider kissing too personal and only do it with people they are in relationships with. I even read in a book how kissing was more of an intimate thing than intercourse because kissing was a mental thing with no direct sexual release like intercourse which is more of an animal thing. That kissing is very personal and intimate shows that it should not be done frivolously just as sex should not be done frivolously. Nothing is without its price.