Tuesday, May 07, 2002

i think you're right, i would spend hours telling people exactly what they are doing wrong if only they'd listen and appreciate it. i know it's neither a pleasant nor proper thing to do but i have such an urge. "don't think of it like that, think of it like this..." or "no no no you're going about it the wrong way, you have to..."

oh you simple beasts how i'd shape you into the humans that you so want to be. crafting and carving you into the perfect little sculptures that you were taught to believe in. just tie these strings to your arms and legs and let your puppet master work his magic. and in the end, a real human boy will you be.

but a stubborn creature you are. fighting and tearing away my strings. obey me beast and i shall tame thy unruly heart. i will create in you a being more human than the half-breed you are now. i know where the beast in you lies and i shall pluck it by its very claws and set your treasured humanity free from its primordial bonds.

you see, i was told that i am not an animal. and so i have practiced and learned to not be one. i saw the beast in me and suppressed it. but without constant vigilance, the beast will return. i know where the beast hides and i know what stirs it. you do not know these things and hence are a half-beast. it erupts from you and controls you and you let it because you think it is you. it is not you, it is a set of pre-defined programs that are set to react to the given stimuli.

you are but beasts acting the part of humans. you don't know where your beastly self ends and your evolved self begins. the two are separate and you must learn to separate them in order to live the life you evolved for.