Saturday, May 25, 2002

i have seen members of the opposite sex and at first sight i have thought "i know this person can understand me and we would fit so perfectly together and the beauty of this person is overwhelming. if only i could talk to this person we would unite in a bond of love. and it is a real love that will last forever."

then i slap myself back to reality and say "you moron, that is a 100,000 years of human evolution driving you to be attracted to this person on top of millions of years of pre-human evolution before that. you have no idea what you have in common with this person beyond the whole air-breathing, food eating, bi-pedal-upright-walking thing. as far as you know, this person may eat kittens for breakfast and kill ducklings for sport but you think just because this person's appearance sets off a primordial spark within yourself that you are magically joined? you stupid f' get a grip on yourself. you were born an animal but that doesn't mean you have to act the part. damn your instincts for beauty because they will always set your heart aflame when it crosses your path. it is up to you to restrain this instinct because it will mislead you always." and then i go back to being me again.

you should realize no matter what relationship you are in or aren't in, you will get these feelings of attraction and desire. realize that they are part of being a human. you shouldn't really feel disgusted with yourself for having them because they are as natural as breathing. you can only restrain them once they arrive. when you can feel disgusted with yourself is when you believe these feelings and fall for their lies.